Monday 29 December 2014

Gold Wine Contest !

It’s the end of the year and after Christmas day it’s the Wine Boxing Day, like rugby, basketball and football, wine have this annual contest and comparison between wines and for the match of the day we will face two competitors in the range of sweet wine :

Sauternes Vs Loupiac

Round 1 : The label


A mix of simplicity and elegance, perfect for a Christmas table. The name of the Château is as well representative to the appellation.

Chateau de Fargues have a nice classic label for a cru classé de Sauternes. Gold , crown and this dark blue label can remind to Chateau Yquem which has an historical relation with Lur Saluces

website : 

Sunday 21 December 2014

The right river !

 the place belong to the saint-emilionnais region, 

Two different wines with two different price,

Two different wines with various cepages, 

Two different wines with two different appellations,

BUT, they represents the richness and heterogeneity of the right river...

Round one: Visual... 

The Saint-Emilion Moulin Du Cadet  2008 is Classified Growth: A nice wine for Christmas. This 2008 will be a perfect guess on your table. And, it's a well-dressed black rubis wine. 

Château Bellevue 2011, Saint-Georges-Saint-Emilion: More a wine for an "after-work party" with your friend. And, it's wearing a beautiful color between rubies and dark cherries.

Round two: The Nose...

The Saint-Emilion Moulin Du Cadet  2008 is Classified Growth: A well educated boy, it's smells really nice. Fresh mint, nice small red fruits. The aromatic intensity is quite strong.

Château Bellevue 2011, Saint-Georges-Saint-Emilion It's a powerful wine. The first nose reveals a  red fruit smell like blackcurrant and some wood shade. The second nose precise and confirm the red fruits smell, more precisely a ripe fruit smells. 

Round three: The Mouth...

 The Saint-Emilion Moulin Du Cadet  2008 is Classified Growth: The tannins are present but not aggressive, the after taste is long and refreshing. Perfect match with lam. The wine is brilliant. A really nice Merlot.

Château Bellevue 2011, Saint-Georges-Saint-Emilion:  The attack is pleasant but very strong because of the majority of Merlot (85%). You have a strong presence of the tannins. Then a beautiful acidity appears and the wine have a good balance. We can feel a blackcurrant taste. The default is the astringency, a little too much present. Good persistence and supple texture.


The Saint-Emilion Moulin Du Cadet  2008 is recently classified in the " Grand Crus de Saint-Emilion", it's a good wine but a little bit expensive (33€) when you tasted the Château Bellevue 2011, which represents a very good deal (8,9€) for a student night for example !


So, which wine you choose ?

Friday 12 December 2014

The big gap !

We present you a stereotyped comparison between a marketing wine and a "terroir" wine.

 When Grand-Pa terroir kicks newbie marketed wine...

 We choose to compare this week two Sauvignon from the same vintage, one from the region in which you can find the most beautiful Sauvignon of the world : Sancerre ; an another from South Africa where you can find different kind of grape varieties

 Round 1 : The label

Porcupine Ridge looks more attractive, a young label from the new world, the Sancerre is more classic and sober which is representative from the region 
So on round 1 the label is largely more efficient, trendy and fun for the customers !


Round 2 : The taste & the nose 

Sancerre, Domaine de la Perrièe

The first nose reveals citrus fruits with a majority of lemon. Not very complex but quite efficient in terms of flavours. A little bit of white flowers. In the mouth, we found a very good attack, a full-middle mouth but the final was disappointingly short.

 South Africa, Porcupine Ridge

We found a very technological nose who shows english candys, cat-pee and yeasty aromas. This wine is like a flat tyre. He's lack of acidity, give it a watery pallet. The after mouth is really short.

  Round 3: The price

Sancerre, Domaine de la Perrièe : 12,75 €

South Africa, Porcupine Ridge :  9,95 €


Friday 5 December 2014

Black is Back !!!

            Sorry Ladies, but today in the room it smells 

Today, it's about power, it's about black and powerful wines for those who are not afraid of rear and roasted red meat.

Today, it's about concentration, ripeness.

Today, it's about MALBEC

In the right corner the french puncher Château du Cèdre 2011, on the balance 13,5, who is dressed in deep rubis. 

On the left corner, we have the opportunist coming from South America, more precisely in Argentina, his name is Catalpa Malbec old vines 2012. This big 15% alcohol is wearing a black purple color. 

Ready to rumble !!! 

Round 1: Before they broke their own nose, we get some aromas...
Cahors Château du Cèdre 2011: The first nose was highly reductive, so we choose to decant it, then appears a fresh harvest red fruits aromas such as strawberries and rasberries and a hint of smoke ham.

        Catapla Malbec old vines 2012: The first nose was not really expressive but after some swirling it reveals black current, blackberries and a hint of caramel and leather. 

Round 2: Let's try them...

Cahors Château du Cèdre 2011: The attack is surprisinggly fresh, medium body. The final is thirst-quenching. The retro-olfaction demonstrates crush strawberries flavour. 

Catapla Malbec old vines 2012: This one shows the perfect match between the nose and the palet. Round soft tanins in attack shows a full-mouth. It's bit floppy in the end. But this full-body wine remains well-balanced and very soft with a good persistance. 

Round 3: Price and packaging...

Esthetic is always a question of taste. Funny thing, we notice that the two labels show a tree. And, to be really honest we don't choose those two bottles for that. The Cahors label is classic, quite fancy with gold. 

The argentinian wine is more sober, more modern, really easy to read and catch your eye. This purple label reminds the colour of the wine. 

The price is 12,50€ for each wine. 

Who win? 

Who's next? 

You choose!

Sunday 30 November 2014

Trendy Sparling Wine : The bubble Fight !!

Iconoclast, for some, refreshing and fruity for the other.  Those two bottles makes some noise, especially in your old historic and traditional country. One of our most emblematic wine, have to be drunk with ice cube !!!

Unbelievable but it’s a fact.

Do you have any ideas ???

You had already guess. We will talk about sparkling wine but not the consensual or the traditional. It will be too easy.

So let’s go through those two iconoclast bottles.

We chose to play the match between two sparkling wines, whitch are often assimilated with pleasure, party and nightlife.

In the right corner the well none and magnificent Moët and Chandon ICE Imperial

 In the left corner the outsider El Matador The Cava Codornui Anna Blanc de blanc.


 Round One : The packaging

Even if  Moët is not the first in this sector, his presence give the Ambassador suits and trends for this market. And what the suits, his SlikSleever elaborate by Sleever international, is a white flim sliky touch. But Codornui punch again with exactly the same packaging.

Round Two : The wine

At the moment this is a perfect equality. Let’s taste those two bottles to see what’s next. With 46 grams of sugar per litter the Champagne over dose the Cava. But with ice cube you just forget the sugariness and this remain fresh. The blend for the Ice imperial is more than a classic champagne blend with 50% Pinot Noir 35% Pinot Meunier 15% Chardonnay. In Spain the Codornui Anna brut and male.  With a blend between chardonnay and native grape variety such as Parellada, Xarello and Macabeu.

Round Three : Price

The last round but not the least : the Price and it’s a huge gap between the two, around 45 € for the champagne and 12€ for his cheaper competitor from Spain.

The match is over now, who win ? what’s next ? Make a choice !